Thursday, July 25, 2019

Change comes from within

I distinctly remember placing myself onto my therapist’s cozy sofa thinking that with every word I utter I was slowly transferring my problems and worries onto her plate. Sometimes, we make the mistake of presuming our therapists are God-like, begging them for solutions to our problems and waiting for them to fix us. But session after session, to our surprise, we come to realize that the solution was trapped within ourselves from the get-go. We just had to unravel what was preventing us from unleashing that potential within us.

If I could concisely sum up therapy in a nutshell, I would say it’s character building. Therapists don’t fix people’s lives, they enable them. They help them understand triggers, channel unhealthy habits into healthier avenues, discover defense mechanisms, analyze the root of personal worries, realize their potential, and open their eyes to see the world in a broader perspective, thus giving YOU the strength to fix your own life.

As a worshipper of God, I have found therapy to be one of the most powerful things that brings me closer to Him. When I understand my self, my thought processes and my psychology, it inevitably leads me back to Him, my Fashioner, the One who molded and designed me in this form.

A famous psychologist once noted: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

This quote aligns with the famous verse in the Quran that affirms that change comes from within. The power to rise above the corruption around us lies within our very own selves. We simply have to seek it, be conscious of it, and use that God-given window of space for growth to the betterment of ourselves and humanity around us.

If you or a loved one are hesitant about therapy, I urge you not to imprison yourself in the false ideology that therapy isn’t necessary. Each and every one of us can and will benefit from analyzing who we are at our core and releasing the chains that hold us down from growth. Get to know yourself, know the God who created you, and you will begin to appreciate the intricacies that form you, and recognize your vast potential. Therapy will not only help you become more confident in your own creation, but a better servant to the Creator of creations. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written mashallah❤️, I resonated with the whole blog. Thank you for sharing your quranic reflections!
