Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Ramadan Quran Reflection Day 16

Ramadan Quran Reflection Day 16 (4:29)

How many troubled individuals have thought about suicide at some point in their life? How many have been drowning in pain, hurt, and isolation to where they would rather not be alive? Too many to name quite frankly.

“Do not kill yourselves,” is what the Quran states, urging us not to take our own lives. Why is God asking us not to do such a thing? If you’re deeply hurt, you would rather not live, right? Yet what God says after this statement is key: “Verily, God is Merciful towards you.”

When you feel like your life will never get better, know that God is more merciful than letting you suffer forever. When you’re beating yourself up for a mistake you’d rather not live with, know that God is more merciful on you than your own self.

Your feelings, your pain, your hurt - they’re all real. But what’s also real is God’s unquestionable mercy. People say that after the darkness comes light, but what’s even more striking is that, more times than not, THROUGH that darkness comes light. That low that you’re in can help you get back up higher than you’ve ever been.

Out of all the ways God could have ended this verse, He affirms that He is indeed the bedrock of mercy. I imagine this verse enveloping the one suffering with a warm embrace, an everlasting touch of mercy.

If you’ve hit rock bottom, let His mercy be what pulls you up and allows that sunshine to break through your cloud.

‎وَلَا تَقْتُلُوا أَنفُسَكُمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ بِكُمْ رَحِيمًا
“And do not kill yourselves, verily God is merciful towards you.”

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