Monday, April 13, 2020

Do not Kill yourselves

How many of us kill our selves before our time of death even comes? How many of us bury our own souls before we are physically buried under ground? Whether we allow ourselves to succumb to what lowly words people make of us or allow our own negative thoughts to limit our potential, the fear of change can make us stagnant. We can be so hard on ourselves to the point where we kill ourself in stillness, not seeing the possibility for a life better. But what does Allah say in this verse? “Verily, He is merciful toward you”. Toward YOU! So why are you not merciful to your own self?

It’s in this chapter just verses after that Allah tells a people who suffered a consequence of simply not changing their situation, “Isn’t God’s land vast so you can migrate?” If you are bombarded with negative thoughts, help yourself migrate from them. If you have friends pulling you in directions you don’t want to go, migrate out. If you are living in a place that is killing your soul day and day out, seek help and guidance. Don’t kill your self. Allah is gifting you with mercy. Be merciful to yourself.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

No Word is Arbitrary

The sequence of verses and the specific choosing of Allah’s names in the ending of verses are never haphazard. Ever single name mentioned in a verse is so incredibly appropriate to its overall meaning. Take these 2 verses as examples. The wisdom in Allah’s choosing is beyond spectacular. #Quran #Quranicreflecrion #Tadabor #Alshura #Allah #HisNames #Alkhabeer #God #TheAllKnowing

Ibrahim’s dua ingredients

Prophet Ibrahim in a raw and powerful supplication in chapter 14, verses 35-41, breaks down key components of an accepted dua. What are some of the ingredients so we may apply them in our own duas as Ramadan approaches? @lillyandluluco and I sat down and broke them down one by one, and made this sheet for us to learn from and apply in our own duas! Get working on your dua list for Ramadan! May all your duas be fruitful 🙏❤️#Ibrahim #dua #ramadan #supplication #Quran

Al Lateef

Last Ramadan, my daughter Maryam who was born with a rare syndrome had just been recovering from surgery, and the last thing on my mind was Ramadan decorations. But Allah plans for us so subtly and surprises us in ways beyond imagination. My friend @lillyandluluco made me customized Eid banners and dropped them off at around the same time I received a Ramadan package from @muhsenorg for my daughter. It included beautiful Ramadan decor sponsored and made by @daysofeid. I was taken aback with emotions as my older daughter screamed in excitement at how amazing these stars that light up were! Because of how overwhelmed and shocked I was all at once, I couldn’t even put the stars together! 😅Alhamdulillah @lillyandluluco once again came to the rescue and put them together and hung them up for me. It’s in moments like these that Allah shows his Lutf (utter kindness) through His creation. Thank you @muhsenorg and thank you @daysofeid and thank you @lillyandluluco! May Allah bless you all ❤️ #Ramadan #RamadanDecor #Allateef #Quran #Alhamdulillah #Specialneeds #CHILDsyndrome

Look out at His creation

This picture is the full moon of Shabaan just minutes after its rise above the horizon. Isn’t amazing that day in and day out, the sun and moon are constantly rising and setting? In this verse, Allah calls us to physically look at His creation, and when we do, the physical realization of the occurrences around us should call us to think deeper with our hearts. Who is the Creator? When we watch these daily miracles with hearts open, we are reminded that along with the setting of these creations of God, we too are a part of that creation, and we too will have our own setting. Until then, how are we sources of light? #Shabaan #Moon #Quran #Alaraaf #God #Nature #Moonrise #Sunrise #Moonset #Sunset #Death #Life #Ramadan

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Migrate; Trust-Fall to Allah

A Quranic reflection on verses 56-64 in Chapter 29(Alankaboot) in the Quran. These verses sent at the time of hijra (migration) from Makkah to Medina ask us this one question: How are we migrating in our own lives? What is our destination? How can we trust-fall to Allah?

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Taking refuge

With the entire world seeking refuge in personal homes from a virus that no one but God can remove, how appropriate is it that while we are escaping from something He has power over, that we deliberately seek that refuge in Him? #foodforthought #Refuge #God #Allah #Hope #Shelter #Quran #repentance  

Be a force today

This statement appears in the middle of a verse that speaks of Allah sending his tranquility to prophet Muhammad and his companion, Abu Bakr, who were in a cave taking refuge. (Chapter 9, verse 40)

This particular line has always called me to question, “How am I a force of God?” Allah appoints whomever and whatever He wills to fulfill His commands, whether it be humans, insects, angels, or forces of nature around us. The circumstances that exist in our midst are a function of Divine will and intervention, not a matter of chance or “coincidence.” Everything we see in nature is appointed by God, and not just a mere accident.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “God has appointed a group of His servants to fulfill the needs of people. People rush to these servants when in need.” To these people who God appoints to leave groceries at my doorstep, knowing I am not leaving my house to protect my vent-dependent toddler in light of COVID19, I have no doubt they are forces of God working to benefit the world around them, even amidst this darkness. 

How were you a useful force of God today? 

#God #COVID19 #Lovethyneighbor #hope #Quran  

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Reviving the Heart

In these beautiful verses in chapter 16 of the Quran, Allah is telling us that we will be rewarded based on the best of our deeds! And not just that, but He repeats this statement twice in a row. And what comes in between the two? That whoever believes and tries their best will be given a new life, a revived life of goodness. Let these verses soak in and let them resuscitate our hearts back towards Him. #Quran #Revival #Gooddeeds #Reward #Allah #God #Sabr #Heart #Alnahl

Break down and break through

When we pour our brokenness to God and channel our hurt to the Healer of it all, we choose our own freedom from the shackles of life. In Chapter 6, verse 95, God states that He is the one who causes the seed to split and thus, break open and bloom. He then immediately affirms that it is also He who gives life after death. When we take our own broken pieces to Him, never underestimate the power of His abilities to help us feel whole again. If He can bring life to the dead, surely He can revive your aching heart. Break down to Him and break through. #Healing #Hurt #God #Freedom #Allah #Quran #Brokenness

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Your Heart can carry what mountains could not bear

A natural object we deem so mighty and strong crumbles upon receiving the words of God, but our hearts can not only perceive His words, but soak them in and feel them, penetrating the deepest parts of our emotions. Our hearts are stronger than mountains in their ability to carry these verses and hold them so dearly. How have you used your heart today?