Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Validation and Empathy

Hope. Reassurance. Validation. Empathy. Purpose. These are ingredients that people are desperately searching for in their relationships with people and in their lives at large. And these same ingredients are so easily extracted from an outpour of verses in the Quran, specifically in God’s dialogue with prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him (PBUH). “We KNOW you are sad.” “It’s not you, it’s them.” “You have a bigger purpose.” “Look at history.” “Nothing will be enough for them.” “Focus on your mission.”

These are concepts gathered from just 3 consecutive verses in Chapter 6 of the Quran, verses 33-35. So many more concepts of healing and growth can be gathered from verses addressing the Prophet PBUH in the Quran.

We have so much we can learn from. And we have a lot of work to do. We don’t have to far away from our faith to find these key ingredients that shape us into the empathetic growing society we aspire to be.

#ProphetMuhammad #Peacebeuponhim #Mercytomankind

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Allah will introduce Jannah to YOU!

Imagine, just imagine Allah Himself introducing you to your place in Jannah ❤️

Surah Muhammad verse 6:

Monday, November 4, 2019

Do you want the now?

A brief analysis on verses 18 through 21 in chapter 17. Are you wanting dunya? What is the measure of the riches in life?

Friday, November 1, 2019

Alwali- Our Protector

Bridging the gap between Alwali, your Protector, and the book He sent you (Quran, 7:196)