We often stumble upon the question: "What is the purpose of life?" The answer is a complex yet simple one at the same time. When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was with his companion, Abu Bakr, in the cave hiding from the enemy, a spider formed a web at the entrance of the cave, making the enemy believe there was no way anyone could have went in without tearing apart the delicate threads of the web, and that the cave must have been long abandoned. So they left. It was this spider that acted as a force of God. A tiny insect that acted out God's command saved a human life, and not just any human, but our beloved Prophet Muhammad(PBUH). As verse 40 in Surah Altawba speaks of this event, it adds: "وأيّده بجنود لم تروها", which translates as “And He(God) aided him(Prophet Muhammad) with soldiers you did not see.” Can you imagine that even a tiny insect's action of building its web can make that spider a soldier of God?! What we deem to be insignificant around us can actually be an agent of God, fulfilling His commandments, as we ourselves on the other hand, at times blindly follow our desires.
There is a famous story of a doctor who was on a plane but could not make it to his destination due to inclement weather. Severe lightning, heavy rain, and gushing winds forced his plane to land in the middle of nowhere. It is in that deserted town where he found a mother and her sick child who had needed to be seen by a doctor for months, but their inaccessible location made it logistically impossible for that child to receive the medical attention needed. However, nothing is impossible for God. He will appoint whomever and whatever He wills to fulfill His command, whether it be a human, an insect, or in this case, inclement weather. The circumstances that exist around us are a function of Divine will and intervention, not a matter of chance or “coincidence.” Everything we see in nature is appointed by God, and not just a mere accident. Had it not been for the intense lightning, rain, and wind, that sick child may have never seen a doctor, but God's forces work in mysterious ways.
Now let us ask ourselves, in what ways are we agents of God? Are we fulfilling His commands as a spider did over 1400 years ago? Are we acting as agents of God’s mercy and benevolence on this earth? Hearing this prayer once struck me: "Oh Allah, use me for Your cause on this earth". It made me question myself, my habits and interactions. Are my actions a reflection of God's command, as are forces in nature around us?
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in a beautiful statement: "God has appointed a group of His servants to fulfill the needs of people. People rush to these servants when in need. Verily, these servants will be saved from God's punishment". Know that if God loves you, He will place people's needs in your hands. When you find yourself being that person relied on for so much, know that God is appointing you, as He appointed the spider for Prophet Muhammad and the lightning for that sick child.
Neither one of us wants to leave this earth without having benefited the world around us in some way, shape or form. Asking about an old friend, being there for a person in dire need of companionship, visiting the sick, or carrying the load of a complete stranger are all simple tasks that can change our communities if every one of us acted upon them. Undoubtedly we all have daily tasks, but the question is do these duties qualify us to be agents of God? Are we soldiers of God for ourselves, our friends, families, and communities at large? Are we working for Him, in accordance with His laws and in a way that pleases Him? Because once we do that and just that, then we have fulfilled the very purpose of our existence.